Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things

One of the favorite things about my job is the fact that you never know what could come out of a kid's mouth... or personal comic book.

Sounds like he has more of life figured out then most guys my age! :)

My favorite quote by a student would be when a student did not want to do his homework he informed me, "Usually men have to be married for this type of abuse!!" Like I said, you never know what may come next with ten year olds. I keep a quote book from the kids and I'm willing to bet that there will be many stories from my kiddos on here within the next year!

Cheers to Happiness,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

When Happiness Brings Love

On October 15th, I traveled to the Land of the Reeds for the wedding of my cousin, Karlee Gard... wait, now Kinsch! Karlee and I are only about eight months apart, and I quickly surpassed her in size. We were always confused with the wrong mothers, since I look exactly like my aunt and she has blonde hair like my mom. She was always much more girly than I with her makeup, shopping trips with Grandma Reed, and the famous pink cowboy boots, but somehow when we were younger we found so much in common and had a great time together. From sleepovers, dress-up trunks, a giant bathtub, and wrecking rootbeer floats with salt and pepper we never had a dull moment. Naturally we have grown into our own lives and see each other much less these days, but I know that she has found the one person that can make her happy for the rest of her life. Josh, God bless you as you deal with the Reed clan and someday have mini-Karlees running around your house!

During the reception!

Josh and Karlee with the gift that I had made for them. Framed mirror that says,
"Kinsch Family, Established 2011"

May you two have many years of happiness together! Hope to see you all again soon.

Cheers to Happiness,