Monday, September 10, 2012


From my Happiness Project calendar last week:
"A great way to boost happiness: Laught out loud. A typical young child laughs more that 400 times a day, a typical adult, 15 times. Laughter is healthy: It lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels and boosts immunity. It strengthens social bonds and helps ease difficult situations. And it's fun. Make an effort to laugh out loud."
Couldn't agree more!

Little bit of happiness: After a long day at work and practice, I gave in to a nap. I LOVE naps!! However, I will have to pay for it later because I need to clean my kitchen, shower, and do two class assignments still. Oh well, it was worth the chance to nap. How I missed naps.
Daily quote: Joy is different then a temporary feeling of happiness; it's a condition of the heart.
Cheers to Happiness,

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