Wednesday, June 26, 2013

three.six.five. projects

 The Old:
This blog was previously the Three.Six.Five Happiness Project, modeled after Gretchen Rubin's bestselling book. I posted every single day little things that made me happy. For those of you who followed that, I guess I got burned out on it mid-way through the year. However it did teach me some things about myself that I always knew, but kind of forgot...

The New:
So this blog is officially renamed Three.Six.Five. Projects. What did I learn from the first time around? The things that make me the most happy are reading and crafting. I already have a reading blog... so doing one for my big love this summer,  CRAFTING, just makes sense! 

The Fuel:
If you are here, you probably already know the journey my family and I have been facing in the last six months. Nothing about losing my brother is easy, and time doesn't do squat so don't let anyone tell you differently. It's all in how you cope, which brings me here. I also know that Eli still wants me to find happiness in what makes the most happy. After all, he was the one who always told me "Audra, screw what everyone else thinks! Do what makes you happy." So that's what I'm going to do. Before I was definitely more of a bookworm, but now I just can't seem to focus in and shut everything else off to read for long periods of time. Crafting is the only thing that I have found that can do that with now! I am able to throw myself into these projects and enjoy them, while letting them work as a great stress relievers too. Win, win.

The Layout:
So how is this all going to work? Basically I will be walking the reader step-by-step through my creative processes... scary thought, I know! This will NOT be a daily blog... instead there will be posts when projects are finished so there will be a variance in time posted. For those people who aren't blog savvy, I also will have a Pinterest board called three.six.five. projects (<-- click link) that you can go to and then click on the picture that takes you to each project! Fortunately for you, there will be some comic relief here and there, seeing as this summer is my first time doing furniture upcycling and I'm learning the hard way in some instances. It will take me a little bit to get used to taking pictures for every step, so please be patient with me! I also plan on posting past projects, so there will be some that lack an abundance of pictures to go with directions. Here are some of the projects you may see on here in the days to come:

The (Possible) Buyers:
I have had people joke around with me about starting a boutique... would I love to do that? Of course! But unfortunately that is just not possible at this stage in the game. Teaching will obviously be my first priority for a long time. Crafting is just the hobby I love on the side. That being said, most of the projects that will be posted are ones that I will be doing for my own new house - coming soon - at the end of July! However, I do love doing projects for my friends. So if you are interested in having me do some projects for you please don't be afraid to ask and we can see what we can work out! I was contacted tonight by the local vintage store owner asking if I would want to put some pieces in her store. (How cool is that!) I will do some thinking on that, so it may be something to look out for in the future! 

Hope you decide to stick around and join me for this crafty ride! My first real post will appear tomorrow. See ya then!

~ Audra