Monday, July 8, 2013

Old Wooden Desk into New Coral Vanity

 Yet again, I thought that this project was going to be the simplest one to date! All it needed was paint, no real detail work. Man, was I ever WRONG! Luckily it turned out alright, but it was one heck of a roller coaster ride to get there (and I don't like roller coasters)!

This desk was my brother's desk growing up. I had one too but I liked the style of this one much better with its simple lines and basic knobs. Among my many pins on Pinterest I had some pinspiration to turn it into a vanity for my little closet room that will be in the new house! I'm not a fan of the word "vanity," but I know that's what it is referred to as. I have never, ever gotten ready in the bathroom. Sharing a bathroom with 2 brothers, I always got ready in my room sitting in front of my dresser mirror. Did the same thing living on my own since it takes forever to dry and straighten/curl my hair. So to me this project didn't seem so "vain."

As always, I started off with a priming base over all the areas I planned on painting. Once dried I painted the drawers the cream color first and then turned the desk over on its top to do the first couple coats of paint. I like to do this to get the bottom parts that would normally be hard to reach because of the floor as well as underneath the ledges out of the way first.

Then the desk is turned over to finish the cream coating. You can't really tell in this picture but the only part that is not cream at this point was the top since it would be painted a coral color called Dark Mango. 

While the desk was drying it was time to get the knobs painted. I did not prime these ahead of time, which may have caused the reason for 5 coats... but after doing the top of the desk in the same color with prime it was still an issue. Side note: I'm not a pink person, but sign me up for coral!

 Yep, had to get creative on getting the knobs painted! I had to figure out a way to get the knobs stationary so I wouldn't have to hold them and paint them at the same time. So what we have here is the screws poked through the Diet Coke box and once again screwed in with the knob. Now they are ready to paint. Keeping crafty classy!

In between coats on the knobs I did coats of paint on the desk... many coats of paint. At least seven. I wish I was kidding. I tried to pretend that it didn't bother me but ultimately I had to fix the uneven paint. 

It was also during this time that I accidently spilled paint, stepped in it, and then tracked it on the carpet. Pretty sure I saw my life flash before my eyes. Since I'm currently staying at my parents, it was my mother's carpet not mine. Now, my fear of getting anything on her carpet far exceeds my fear of spiders, buses, and needles combined. I frantically called my father who actually ended up leaving work to check on me, shampooed for at least 30 minutes straight, prayed that God would show some mercy on my soul and finally it paid off, mostly.

 As you can see, the top of the desk had some issues with even coating. But I tried to work through it and put the drawers in...

 ... and then the knobs. But then I finally gave into my OCD about the top being uneven. I had to go get another sample container of the paint. Then I sanded the top to get excess paint off and try to even it out. Once that was done I tried out the roller to paint the top. I'm not a fan of rollers because the way it goes on spongy, so my mom was there helping for moral support...

...and then she spilled too! At least hers was on the canvas (which ended up bleeding onto the carpet, hello again Mr. Shampooer). But as you can see it splattered back onto the cream, which I had to touch up. I think the coral color may have been cursed.

However, the roller worked pretty well and it all paid off in the long run. 

 A little close up to show off the smoothness of the Dove Cry's (cream) color, I can't get enough of it!

And this will be the mirror that hangs above the vanity desk! It was a clearance find at Hobby Lobby, my favorite hiding place. Seriously, if you can't find me try HobLob first. I still need to find a cute chair to refurbish to go with the set. I also plan on getting vanity styled lights to put above it, maybe a lamp, and then a smaller vanity mirror for doing makeup!

Hope you enjoyed the final product as much as the roller coaster of a process!

Until next time, 

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