Wednesday, June 18, 2014

WILW: Glue Gun Stand, Hair Products, and Say Goodbye to Survival Mode

It's the first ever What I Like Wednesday!

1) Crafting Supplies 

There's no denying I love me some hot glue gun! 
And there's nothing worse than melting the styrofoam plate you rest it on or getting it stuck to a paper plate. 
So here is the best invention ever!

If glue drips onto the tile it simply peels off, no mess!
Click HERE to go the the Esty listing where I got my stand customized... 
which is Emerald Green, of course!!

2) Everyday Living 

If you know me at all, you know I have oodles and gobs of hair! 
I've been using some new hair products the last couple months that have made a huge difference in this mess of hair I have and the best part is most of them are super cheap. 

Herbal Essences' Blow Dry Prep Mist not only smells amazing but it really makes your hair feel super soft after blow drying it. I think it also takes less time to blow dry my hair when I use this stuff... which is a huge deal for me since mine can take up to 30 minutes from start to finish. Ridiculous, right?! At least I get some good reading done. 

Their detangling spray is just as important otherwise I'm fighting a battle that can't be won. And it smells good too! Both of these products run $3 or less, I believe. 

I am in L-O-V-E with this shampoo and conditioner. The first reason for choosing this brand was the smell... coconut!! Can't get enough. I originally got the Coconut Milk set, but it was just too thick for my hair. Being that I have super thick, course hair already that clings on to everything it just didn't work for me. I was bummed but I went back to look for a different kind and I came across the Coconut Water with WEIGHTLESS HYDRATION. Let me say it again, WEIGHTLESS HYDRATION. Ahhhhh. It's perfect. And for the price of $5.50 each, it can't be beat. 

And the last one is from It's a 10. I only use this Miracle Hair Mask every Sunday. Yes, your hair needs a day of relaxation and revitalization too. It really gives my hair that fresh new feeling every time I use it. Soft, smooth, detangled, and pH balance... read the label for all the other fun stuff it does. It is pricer at about $25, but using it only once a week really pays off! Trust me. 

All hair care products can be found out your local Wally World.
Or Wal-Mart for those who aren't up with our family lingo. 

3) Reading or Blogging 

I am a reader, but just recently got into books that could be considered "Self-Help" or just Get-Your-Life-Together-Already-Audra. I just finished up this one last week, and I ate up every word she put down on the page. 
When I get overwhelmed with too much to do... I simply don't do a darn thing. (Ask my mom, it drives her crazy!) This book really helped me break down my problem areas of life like when you say yes to something you have to say no to something else. I have already implemented a morning routine and weekly goals, and let me tell you it works! 
I think this will be one that I reach for off my shelf for a long time coming... until I have it memorized. 
Definitely a must read that are a little overworked, frazzled, and want to restore passion in their life!

Hope you enjoyed this first installment of What I Like Wednesdays. Let me know what you think or if you have questions on any of the above! Better yet, let me know if you have something different that could help me and all of my other readers! 

Stay tuned tomorrow for a big announcement about where my heart is going with this journey! 

Creatively Yours, 

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