Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Happiness Project and a Happy Weekend

So to start this one off... I have officially finished the book, the Happiness Project!

Of course the ending was just as great as the beginning, which had inspired me to make up my own project. (See my book review site: Reed's Reads, that I started this new year - yes I know I am a little behind) I am still compiling all my lists of what I would like to accomplish. I would go ahead and get started but the control freak in me has to start a year long project in January. (Resolution here maybe?!) I just can't wait to start some of her great ideas. Especially something as exciting of publishing your own book through Yes, the nerd in me will come out from time to time. :)

This weekend was a great moment of happiness for the Lady Lancers. I traveled along with the volleyball team to assistant coach in the SPIAA league tournament, and our girls took the 1st place banner home!

They have been so blessed with amazing talent!! Can't wait for sub-state and beyond...
Will keep you posted!

Cheers to Happiness,

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