Wednesday, October 5, 2011

three.six.five. beginnings

Who: Me, Audra Reed. I'm just an ordinary 23 year old who was born, raised, and still living in Kansas that wants to better myself and what I get out of this thing called life.

What: My three.six.five project is based off of Gretchen Rubin's book The Happiness Project. She does intense research on what being "happy" is and how you can be a "happier." One of the realizations that Rubin had that inspired her own project was that "the days are long, but they years are short." I couldn't agree more, we are always saying how its been such a long day, but man has the month flown by. This just doesn't make any logical sense! So maybe focusing on the positive of each day and releasing the negative will make time balance. Through The Happiness Project Rubin sets goals for herself with Commandments and Resolutions, which will be talked about more in depth later. I am only 1/3 through the book and LOVING every minute of it. I highly suggest picking up a copy for yourself. I wish I could put all my quotes from her book that I love, but there's so many that I would probably get in some legal trouble for copying her book. So get it for yourself, or better yet borrow a copy!

When: I've already started the basic work with the things I will be focusing on and all of the lists. However, the actual process won't start until January 1st of 2012. Three.six.five. will last all year long, which will be one of the big challenges for me. I have a tendancy to start a project and not finish it, but I think I will find so much enjoyment in the project that it will be almost addicting! :) This project is like New Year's Resolutions gone wild.

Where: Mainly the events taking place in 2012 will obviously take place at my home, in Spearville, KS. Certain tasks will take me other places to find happiness with family, friends, and maybe even on my own. Where ever this project takes me, I will go as far as my resources are able to take me.

Why: It's not that I'm not happy with life, but I know I could be a happier person each and everyday. Sure I've had my struggles and dark days, especially in the last year, like everyone else. One of my key reasons for doing this project is to figure out what being "happy" actually means. To me "happy" is a relative term, because what makes me happy may not make the next person happy and vice versa. Also, sometimes the word happy can be turned around to make you unhappy. For example, next to "It's not you, it's me" or "You deserve better" the most annoy thing I've ever heard from a guy is "I just want you to be happy." Uh, excuse me? Who says I'm not happy? Once again, "happy" is relative. Another thing I always do is focus on making others happy more than myself. Reading this book has helped me to realize that this mindset is completely backwards. Making sure that you are happy, will actually make others around you happy in return. It's a win, win situation. Yes, I realize to some this may sound selfish and self-absorbing, but to me it's a chance to find myself and what I want out of life. I'm at a place in life that the road is endless, and need to chose a path. Focusing on the positives and letting go of all negatives that come may way should help me find my direction with ease.

How: The main way this process works is through the mastering of lists. I loooove lists, there's something about being able to check something off that I've completed that gives me a burst of happiness. I will even make lists a couple times or put things down I've already done so I have one more thing I can check off :) Anyways... the lists for three.six.five may include, but not limited to:
From Gretchen's Project
- 12 commandments: little tidbits to live each day
- 12 areas of life: each one is broken apart during one month for a special focus
- Secrets of Adulthood: Witty advice that should be common sense, but we sometimes make difficult for ourselves.
My Additions
- 2012 Bucket List: things I want to do THIS year... off course it will have a book list involved
- Life Bucket List: things I want to do before kicking the bucket.... or maybe before 30, we shall see.
Blog Extras
- Music Videos
- Lyrics
- Quotes
- Pictures
- Personal Stories
- and any other little thing that brings me happiness

I am super excited to see what this journey brings me, and how my happiness will make those around me happy too. I hope you join me for the ride, because I always would like input as to what I could do better and maybe you can join me in the challenge too.

Cheers to Happiness,


  1. Love it girlie! And love you! You have my full support! And instead of saying "I just want you to be happy" I will say - glad you are happy :)

    Love and miss you, Alli

  2. Thanks so much! You will be a part of this, since one of my areas of life is friends. Love ya too! -Aud

  3. Wonderful! Being happy makes a world of difference! Can't wait to follow along with you on your journey!
    P.S. Being up at 4:45am on a school day???? Crazy! :)

  4. Thanks Melissa! And no, wasn't up at 4:45!!! 5:00 is my earliest for a normal day, not much better. I think the time zone is off on this, will have to check that out.
