Sunday, July 1, 2012

In the Month of July

Another month is gone and summer is flying by!
This month I will be focusing on my CREATIVITY!

No matter what mood I'm in -- happy, sad, stressed, bored, busy -- arts and crafts plays a big part of my life and happiness. So this month I'm going to use my time off from work to focus on some projects that I haven't set aside time to get finished. Yet, again the Oasis Room is a top priority. Everything has been put together, now I just have to clean out all the storage (what a drag!). Then I will be onto other projects on my bucket list like finishing a knitted blanket, 1000 piece puzzle, Mexico scrapbook, write a poem, handwrite a letter, and maybe even through in the song on piano, build something, turn trash into treasure, publish something, and make a cake into the mix! The possibilities are endless when it comes to creativity. Looks like I will be super busy, but I'm super excited to get started!

Little bit of happiness: After a horrible near drowning accident involving one of my friends' two year olds yesterday, we got word this morning that he is progressing very well! He's brain activity is doing great, and they are working on the possible infection in his lungs. Prayers have been in abundance and he is doing well!
Daily quote: "Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts." -Charles Dickens
Cheers to Happiness,

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