Monday, June 23, 2014

CLICK for Babies and Later This Week

Sorry about being AWOL last Thursday and Friday! 
Sometimes you just have to make the time for friends who are basically family when you don't get to see them very often.

Don't worry though, I have some great stuff for you this week:

I would love it if you could make it back for everyday, but hopefully you see at least one day you will be coming back for!

Today I want to tell you about a cause I JUST found out about. 
It's called CLICK for Babies. 

They help to educate parents about the Period of PURPLE crying with newborns: 

It's pretty simple. Volunteers knit or crochet hats (with at least 50% purple yarn) and turn them into their local drop off. The hats will then be taken to hospitals where new parents can pick out a hat for their newborn... after learning about 
Shaken Baby Syndrome. 
I've seen the ramifications of SBS first hand and I will do anything to help prevent it from ever happening... that's why I plan on picking up some soft, purple yarn tomorrow!

Not only are they cute, but it's for a very important cause. 
If you know how to knit or crochet, go for it! 
If you don't, it really is simple to learn and caps would be a great start. 
I know basic knitting, but have never made a cap before. So to start off, I think I will commit to one hat a month... and if I get really good at it, perhaps one a week. 
(And while I'm at it I will teach myself to crochet too!)
How many would you commit yourself to? 

For more information please visit,
They also have some great patterns there!

See you tomorrow.
Creatively Yours, 

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