Monday, June 30, 2014

The Great Handmade Heist and Later This Week

I'm back for another creative-filled week after spending a several days crafting with one of my very best friends. I see a trend here, and I'm okay with that! 
I will show you what we were up to later this week as well as some more goodies that I need to catch up on:

Last week for Makers Gonna Make Monday I told you about
And I've found another great cause created by crafters to share with you this week!
There are SO many different crafting auctions on Instagram that raise money for adoptions... both international and local. 
But this is something different... and I am just loving the creativity put into it.

Have you ever been to a Murder Mystery Dinner Party? 
(If you haven't you totally should!!)
Well, The Great Handmade Heist is the cousin to those dinner parties... in a totally amazing way! 

Once registered, clues will be given out to figure out where all of the missing crafts have gone! And if you figure out who the craft stealer was you win over $500 in amazing products from some of my favorite Instagram crafters. 
The cost of registration goes to the adoption of a sweet little boy AND you get a FREE t-shirt that is totally adorable. 
To find out more details about The Great Handmade Heist, click here

Creatively Yours, 

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