Monday, June 16, 2014

Summer Blogging Layout

Hey All! 

I'm back and ready to get busy with three.six.five projects this summer. 
You may have noticed that the look is different, I now have a logo, and business cards!

And when things get going and posted to Etsy for sale those business cards will also be used for tags on purchases... Exciting stuff! 

So this summer the layout will be a little different so I can keep on top of things a little better... There will be a certain topic each day so that I am held accountable to what I want all of my readers to get out of three.six.five projects. 

Here's what a typical week will look like: 

On Sundays the above image will be posted, except it will tell you specifically what you will be reading about that coming week. 
For example, on Tuesday it would tell you the name of the DIY tutorial project. 
Or on Friday it will tell you what project you will see "flashbacked." 

So let's break it down a little further...

Mondays are basically wild cards. A maker has to have time to make! I may let you know what I'm currently working on, or give you an extra DIY tutorial for the week, or let you in on a good deals or events going on in the area. It will just be a good way to start off the week! 
 Tuesdays I will be taking you step by step through some fun projects I am working on. It will be a wide range of DIY, so everyone will get a taste of something they will like! Projects could range from furniture upcycling to decor styling or hoop art and coffee mug making. I promise it will be broken down into easy steps so ANYONE can create, because that is my whole purpose of this blog!
 Wednesdays will be a way for you to get plugged into the things that I am using or reading so that you can try them out on their own. Each Wednesday I will tell you what I'm liking in the following areas:
1) Crafting Supplies
things that will make crafting easier
2) Everyday Living
recipes, household supplies, etc
3) Reading or Blogging
books on creative living or
other inspirational bloggers/crafters
 So I have a Thirty by Thirty list that I am trying to complete by my thirtieth birthday! Thursdays will be used to update on any progress and adventures from the list. Stay tuned this week for the list itself as well as a BIIIIIG project that has all of my heart and will be going with the list!  
On Fridays we will either be taking a look at projects I've done in years prior and making those into tutorials or flash-forward to upcoming projects that I would love your input on. 

Lots of stuff going on right?! I know checking in everyday is not at all possible for most people. There are other ways to stay up to speed... Sign up as a follower to receive notification when I post, come back once a week to stay on top of things, follow my personal Instagram using the hashtag #threesixfiveprojects... and definitely check things out on the Facebook page since that is where giveaways will be from time to time! 

As always, I would LOVE your input when it comes to anything from blogging ideas or project ideas. I may actually work in an incentive if you give me an idea for an amazing project and I use it! 

So please, join me for this wonderful ride because three.six.five is about to take off! 
Buckle up and enjoy the ride. 

Creatively Yours,

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