Monday, May 21, 2012

Making a Dream Reality...

So last year I said that I really wanted to volunteer in an orphanage in Africa this summer... well, the funds just aren't there. Really, it's my own fault since I didn't take any active measure to save money for it. I should know that money just won't appear out of nowhere. So I'm thinking that I would like to save the money that I make from being a consulant for Lemongrass Spa Products in the next year so I can do this next summer before there are any chances that I have other things tying me down. Some people think I'm crazy for wanting to do this, but maybe this pictures will show you why better than I can explain it:

Little bit of happiness: Today was my first Lemograss party, an open house at my house, and it went really well! Can't wait to share it with more people!
Daily quote: 
Cheers to Happiness,


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