Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Walk Down Memory Lane

I ran across some things on Pinterest that reminded me of the things I loved when I was growing up... so then I kept searching and came up with some great stuff. This is for my parents who probably dealt with these things in abundance, enjoy! :)  

The suprise puppies!! My dog had two puppies, which saddened me. But everything was all better when my suprise kitty had six!! Oh, happy day!

This was my absolute favorite book that my great-grandma probably got sick and tired of! I have in on my bookshelf now.

Dinosaurs! Enough said.

FernGully... good grief we wore that VHS tape OUT!! I bought it on DVD a while ago and tried watching it again... I swear the creators were on acid (or just Robin Williams). I have NO IDEA why I loved this, sorry mom and dad!

Darn ole Polly Pocket... thought I needed the whole city in a box at the Toy Story. My mom and dad bought it for me, and then I never played with it and constantly heard about it.

LOOOOOVED me some Lisa Frank on my trapper keeper, folders, pencils, coloring books....

Who didn't play MASH growing up?!

These things are called Pogs... I have no idea what they are for, I just remember having them and wanting more?!

Making your own outfits! I saw these for sale on a vintage site recently and almost bought one for old times sake.

Oh holy Beanie Babies. I thought I needed a new one every week. My favorite was Chocolate the Moose.

Jelly Shoes!! Maybe that's why I have flat feet now.

Good grief, Fruit Stripes were like gold... now they are just the gum that loses flavor the quickest.

I wore my Skip-It out!!

Even though I got my ears pierced after kindergarten I remember these things very well.

I don't think I will ever out grow The Land Before Time :)

Zoobilizoo... so creepy now.

Little bit of happiness: Another extremely long day... worked the gates again at the softball games, for like 6 hours. It was all worth it though, our girls won the tourney and once again will be heading to STATE!! Yay, Lady Lancers!!
Daily quote: "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." -1 Timothy 4:12
Cheers to Happiness,

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