Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Day in Instagrams

I am loving Instagrams!! Thought I would share the highlights of my day through them :)
I was able to cross several things off my bucket list for the year today!

Started the day with the sun!
Couldn't cross the sunrise and sunet off my list because of the storm this evening, so I will try another time!

While I was waiting for my lunch at the Mustard Seed I did some browsing at the Salon/Boutique... and found this beautiful necklace! It's been so long since I've felt okay wearing a cross and I couldn't be more excited about this one!

Had my own little picnic in the park... food was yummy and the scenery was so relaxing! Definitely going to have to make this a habit more often.

After crossing the picnic off my list, it was onto another item: fly a kite. Of course it had to be Transformers! :) It was hard to get a hang of at first, but then it had a few successful rides.

Final activity of the day was sidewalk chalk! Got it done right before it started to rain.

Little bit of happiness: It was a great day with simple activities, but I definitely wouldn't change it one bit. Ended the day with my parents watching the last installment of the Hatfields and McCoys... so interesting!
Daily quote: "An eye for an eye, only makes the whole world blind." -Gandhi
Cheers to Happiness,

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