Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Gift of Giving

I was talking to a friend about this exact episode the other day... and it was the first to pop up on YouTube. I wish I had a personal Sheldon. Enjoy!

I'm definitely asking for the DVD's for Christmas and whatnot. (Hint, hint parental units)

Little bit of happiness: Last day of the Reading Assessments... proud of my kids!

Daily quote: Life is like a carousel: Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down and sometimes you just go round and round.

Cheers to Happiness,

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hunger Games Humor

Little bit of happiness: Yesterday one of my little chitlens asked, "For our reading goal award this month can we have a class Hunger Games?!" Ohhhh child, some days I wish. Kidding... but seriously. :)

Daily quote: Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupid.

Cheers to Happiness,

Monday, February 27, 2012

Not on the Test

In  honor of our first day of State Assessments... funny, but true!
I know my kids will do well, and are making me proud!!

Little bit of happiness: One of the simplest ways I experience happiness is being around my friends' kiddos. Today I was supposed to pick up a couple of the boys from daycare and watch them for awhile, but their parents' plans changed and they were able to get them afterall. Turns out, my little Buttercup was disappointed that it wasn't me showing to come and pick him up. It's not that I'm glad he was sad... but it's very touching to know that a little four year old looks forward to seeing me, like I do him! (and his younger brother)

Daily quote: "We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant, and truly see the things that matter most." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Cheers to Happiness,

Sunday, February 26, 2012

To Tattoo or Not Tattoo

I've thought about getting a tattoo before and this isn't my thought process, but I'd thought I'd share...

Little bit of happiness: Today was the first day practicing for our volleyball games, and it was a lot of fun! I was so excited to meet new people, and I quickly found out I'm still a nervous idgit around people I don't know... oh well, I'm gunna try anyways.

Daily quote: "You're never too old to play. You're only too old for low-rise jeans."
-Ellen Degeneres

Cheers to Happiness,

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I Love Jesus...

Today I caught up a little with The Ellen Show and I just wanted to share my all time favorite Ellen clip,
"I Love Jesus... but I Drink a Little."

Little bit of happiness: Did some cleaning today... got my room and closet a little more organized. It is true that a clean house makes you a little less stressed! Now onto the rest of the house... darnit.

Daily quote: "Outer order contributes to inner calm."

Cheers to Happiness,

Friday, February 24, 2012

My Other Job

Another conversation with a couple of my fifth graders today... 

Girl #1: Miss Reed, you should be a fashion model. 
Me: Uh, what?
Girl #1: Well, your necklace always matches your top and your top always matches your bracelet...
Boy #1: That just means she's a teacher... it's a like "policy" or something. (Yes, he used air quotes)

Love my kiddos! :)  

Little bit of happiness: Did a sunrise/sunset water color project with my students today. Definitely an entertaining time.

Daily quote: Keep your heels, head, and standards high.

Cheers to Happiness,

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting More Awesome

Little bit of happiness: Today I sent an e-mail to register for an information meeting about becoming a foster parent! Although I know it is something that I want to do eventually, I am attending this meeting to figure out if it is good fit right now. So, I will attend the meeting in April in Dodge City and see how it goes from there.

Daily quote: Being single doesn't mean you're weak. It means you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve.

Cheers to Happiness,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

110 Elements of a Bold and Happy Life

Today I took a little survey called The 110 Elements of a Bold and Happy Life. It was pretty interesting and all you do is answer questions about different areas of your life. The idea is that the more checkmarks you have, the happier you are in that part of life.

My survey let me know that I am very happy with my Family and Relationships, Happiness and Fulfillment, and in my Career and Business.

I could do a little better with Self Care and Emotional Well-Being and Personal Responsibility and Lifestyle, which has a lot to do with exercising (yuck) and feeling stressed (yikes).

The worst area by far was Money and Finances... I wish I could say I was surprised, but definitely not. Some of the questions make me wonder if it were even possible. For example, "I have 6 month's to a year's worth of savings in the bank." Say what?! I apparently have A LOT of work to do in this area. Good thing March will be focusing on Money!

Take the survey yourself; sometimes you don't realize how happy you really are!

Little bit of happiness: The new bible I ordered arrived today! I love it... it's Zondervan's True Identity bible. It has purple text, very cool set-up and designs, and a lot of devotional type stuff. Looking forward to using it and getting back into the Word.

Daily quote: Five Simple Rules for Happiness:
1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries
3. Live simply
4. Give more
5. Expect less

Cheers to Happiness,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

JoJo Earns Mother of the Year

Jodi Picoult's new book comes out at the end of the month! I follow her on Facebook and receive her book club e-mails... today I found out that she will be on a book tour for the release of Lone Wolf, aaaaand she will be in Kansas City!! As soon as I found out it is during my spring break, I e-mailed my mom to see if she would go with me and I honestly thought she would shut me down since she has to work. However, she e-mailed back right away saying that she would take off work, we would drive up, and it would be a trip on her.... OMG, Mother of the Year.

So... in 3 weeks I will be meeting my favorite author!!!!! AHHHHHH! SOOOOO EXCITED.

Little bit of happiness: My good friend's house finally arrived here today... so excited for her! Now the fun part begins.

Daily quote: "Book fall open, you fall in." -David McCord

Cheers to Happiness,

Monday, February 20, 2012

Planning the Oasis Room

To me, one of the best parts of doing something new is the planning before hand. Whether it's lists or drawings I like to make decisions on paper before getting started. Today I did some doodles of what I would like to do upstairs in the Oasis Room. This could actually take several months because of all of the different time consuming art projects and the little money I will have have to spend here and there. I hope to have this done by the end of summer.

This is the right wall after you walk up to the loft.
Going to be pretty simple.
The canvases will be essentially one painting split up in yellow, green, and blue to be a picture of a dandelion and floating seeds.
The dog rug will be made out of old t-shirts in the color scheme of the room and obviously for Emerald, she loves it up there already!

This is the wall across from the stairs.
The wall will be painted the same grey that's on my bedroom and bathroom walls.
On the right side I will have my craft table and all my creative supplies in totes or organizers.
With the "creativity zone" splash from UpperCase Living.
In the middle, hanging in front of the window, I would like to figure out how to hang my green hanging chair.
On the other side, I will hang a whiteboard, shelf with Pounds to Go jars, and the scale underneath to show my journey to lose weight.

On the left wall there is some exciting stuff going on.
I will be turning an old book case over and turning it into an entertainment center using batting and fabric.
Inside the shelfs I will use glass blocks with fake grasses and flowers with UpperCase Living words. In the other section I will be making faux porcelian vases with glass vases, puff paint, and spray paint.
On the top will go the repurposed lamps and a small TV to use with my yoga and pilates workout videos.
Underneath the window will hang my vase garland and another UpperCase Living decoration.
Then on the left I will come up with a reading corner. I need a cheap way to get a large beanbag or cushion to go with perfect continent pillows.

On the far wall there is the reading nook again.
Above it will hang a scratch off map to show where I have traveled with an etched glass UpperCase Living saying.
Yes, the tree will stay in the window area there because it just won't fit anywhere else!

This is the other side of the staircase.
Keep Calm and Carry on mirror that I will be painting the frame for.
On the back of that wall is the built in bookshelf, and then the bathroom.

I AM SOOOO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! :) I will need time and patience to see this project through.

Little bit of happiness: Introduced the clicker systems to the kiddos today, and man, did they love it!

Daily quote: "If you wait until you have enough money to decorate and make your home your own it will never happen. If you wait until you can afford to buy everything new you are missing the point. It is the old, the new, the made, the hand-me-down, the collected, the worn (but loved) things in your home that make it your own." -Stacy Risenmay

Cheers to Happiness,

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love for the Big Bang Theory


February 12th: The roses from my little Valentine!

February 13th: Made my Valentine's for my kids today: You're a SUPER student! :)

February 14th: Supplies for turning a bookshelf into an entertainment center.

February 15th: Knitting blanket that needs to be finished... still.

February 16th: Supplies for my Mexico scrapbook, a trip from last summer...

February 17th: Supplies to repurpose old lamps

February 18th: Supplies for a 3 canvas dandelion painting.

Tune in tomorrow to see what I have planned for these projects in the Oasis Room!

Little bit of happiness: Finally found some new K-State sweatpants that are cute and fit well! GO CATS!

Daily quote: Hakuna matata.

Cheers to Happiness,

Saturday, February 18, 2012

6 Tips for Creativity

(from my Happiness Project calendar)

1. Take time to wander, to go to unexpected places.
2. Keep a notebook to record your impressions.
3. Pursue ideas and activities that interest you, even if they seem unproductive.
4. Keep scrapbooks of ideas, images, quotations, and the like.
5. Make an effort to write, draw, or practice every day.
6. Put yourself in Creativity Boot Camp: Tackle a project in an intense, concentrated way, and push yourself to accomplish in a short amount of time.

I think I do pretty well with this list! And can't wait to get my list of projects done! (See the week's pictures tomorrow to see what I will be up to with that).

Little bit of happiness: Froze my rear off in a golf cart... but still had a great time with friends.

Daily quote: "Dwell in possibility." -Emily Dickinson

Cheers to Happiness,

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wacky Weimies

These lovely Weimies make my bundle of joy almost look normal...

Little bit of happiness: Today I took Miss Emerald to the vet for an ear infection... I left wondering if there is such thing as pet insurance. No joke, taking her to the vet costs more than it does to go to the doctor myself! It was $31 for just the "ear examination" and then another $35 for ear cleaner and steroids. She's lucky I like her.

Daily quote: "Happiness is a warm puppy." -Charles M. Schulz

Cheers to Happiness,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ain't that the Truth

Little bit of happiness: After my second 13 hour day this week, conferences are over and they went well! And better yet... THREE DAY WEEKEND!! WOOHOO!

Daily quote: The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.

Cheers to Happiness,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tip of the Iceberg

A little post-Valentine's day humor...

Haha... I don't think anyone could argue this is untrue.

Little bit of happiness: Today wasn't a bad day and it wasn't an amazing day... sometimes it is okay just to be a normal day!

Daily quote: Every day may not be good. But there is something good in every day.

Cheers to Happiness,

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Love... or Laugh

My Valentine's Day inspired video that my brother posted on Facebook... at first I was like meh, but then once "Eminem" starts rapping you just can't help but laugh.

Little bit of happiness: So my Valentine's date didn't go quite as planned... started with a tearful 45 minutes because momma left us, so tearful in fact we threw up a little bit. We played catch for a while and bull riding until this brilliant babysitter went to fix the sideways diaper and ended up with a finger covered in shadoobee. It's just one of those things (at the end of the night) you have to laugh and say oooooh life. Love that kid regardless of his bodily functions :)

Daily quote: "Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower." -Lil Wayne

Cheers to Happiness,

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pick a Finger

Hehe... shouldn't be any surprise which may just be my favorite. (Hint: 3 from the left or 3 from the right or the middle, whichever way you want to look at it) :)

Little bit of happiness: Monday was a looooong day. My classroom was like a magic show: 5 gone at the beginning of the day. Sent one homesick, and then gained 3 more throughout the morning. Basically, we have the plague. Tonight was the first night of parent-teacher conferences and I feel they went very well. It was great to sit around at the end of the night with my co-workers laughing and having a good time until we reached our "release time." One more 13 hour school day this week!

Daily quote: "If you can't get out if it, get into it."

Cheers to Happiness,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Holy Homeownership!

As I was sitting on the couch reading Ellen's new book, my house began to violently shake. After the dog freaked out and I freaked out I realized it was coming from the furnance. I rushed to turn the heater off and ran down stairs to lift the furnance cover to turn it off. Inside I found this:

Yes, that is the new filter I just put in today... not debris from or a tornado. But it might as well be. After one of my friend's husbands came to rescue, yet again, he told me that it was sucked up into the furnance and he wasn't suprised it hasn't happened before. So I will need to get a new filter in the next couple days... and it looks like Papa Bear has a permanent job, this was my first and last try!
In good news, my house did not burn down!!


February 5th: My two favorite toddlers at the Superbowl Party

February 6th: First time in a while making gnocci.

February 7th: Homework night, and yes, I am still a master procrastinator.

February 8th: Cleaned out the fridge and replaced everything with healthy foods!

February 9th: My favorite bookmark and getting geared up for a good read around Valentine's Day

February 10th: We made our Valentine's buckets today for our party on Tuesday. This is where the "Cupid Comic comes from."

February 11th: New breakfast line up... and by the way, why did my family never teach me how to make over easy eggs?! They know I love them. It only took me four eggs to get it down. Geez.

Little bit of happiness: My little date for Valentine's day brought me roses in advance for babysitting him. Probably going to be the best Valentine's date ever. Who can beat a guy that can't talk, is a cheap date and will cook whatever you make, AND goes to bed before prime time trash TV? Haha, kidding :)

Daily quote: "I believe that everyone else my age is an adult whereas I am merely in disguise." -Margaret Atwood

Cheers to Happiness,

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Hunger Games

I sat down for a few hours today to finish reading the book The Hunger Games. All the kids were right, very good read. And it leaves you wanting more, which is probably why there are two more books in the series. Got done in time to tune in for the movie as well, on March 23rd! The trailer looks pretty spot on.

Little bit of happiness: I worked the clock today at the last four games in the Junior High basketball tourney... and both our boys and girls team won the championship! Way to go kids.

Daily quote: Keep your limits but never stop trying to exceed them.

Cheers to Happiness,

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cupid's Comic

We decorated our Valentine's tins today and this was what my little comic did:

Haha, gotta love it!

Little bit of happiness: This afternoon we got to watch as a returning Army dad surprised his kids. Talk about major tear-jerker all the way around.

Daily quote: Let your faith be bigger than your fear.

Cheers to Happiness,

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mirror on the Wall

Lil Wayne's newest video. Would like to see him in concert for sure.

Little bit of happiness: Another item crossed off the Bucket List today... Donate. I put in a donation for a friend participating in the Polar Plunge. Benefits go towards children with special needs.

Daily quote: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Cheers to Happiness,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Show Up

Yesterday my "Happiness 911" on the daily calendar said:
"Call, make a lunch date, or send an e-mail to a friend. Having warm, close bonds with other people is one of the keys to happiness, so take the time to stay in touch."

I had already planned to Skype with my college roommate, so this was perfect for the day. It was great catching up with her and made me miss her even more! I tend to forget how much I enjoy the people in my life when I don't take the time as often as I should to talk and see them. I will make more of a conscience effort to be there for my friends, because life is sooooo much happier with my girls!

Little bit of happiness: Completely cleaned out my fridge and stocked it with healthy food tonight! One step in the right direction.

Daily quote: True friends are like Chinese takeout, they're dependable, enjoyable, and just a phone call away.  

Cheers to Happiness,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Look at these little guys... doesn't it just make you go "awwwww!"

First I wanted a tea-cup pig... now maybe I would like a baby otter?!

Little bit of happiness: Turned in my moolah today to join my first Coed Volleyball team. I am sooooo excited to get started at the end of the month and make some new friends. I am pretty sure this might be the source of quite a few "little bits of happiness" to come.

Daily quote: Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was breathe.

Cheers to Happiness,