Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ain't that the Truth

Little bit of happiness: After my second 13 hour day this week, conferences are over and they went well! And better yet... THREE DAY WEEKEND!! WOOHOO!

Daily quote: The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.

Cheers to Happiness,

1 comment:

  1. The truth in the cartoon above just makes me nuts!!!I know I'm old, but when did teaching begin to garner such disrespect? People will pay ridiculous amounts of money for the latest phone, but gripe about supporting their schools? And nowadays, being educated and anything more intelligent than a monkey is considered to be elitist. I love teachers, any and all of them. No they are not all perfect, but neither are all doctors, lawyers, ministers, accountants, etc. Okay, I'm through . . . for now.
