Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Giant Hungry Caterpillar

One of my friends' son's turning two this month and she asked me to help her put together some of the decorations for the party. Her theme was the Hungry Caterpillar. We had a lot of fun thinking up creative ideas to make original decorations. The biggest project was the GIANT caterpillar:

Even though we weren't sure at first, it came out pretty well!

The birthday banner she made, very cute!

Grandma makes their birthday cakes, and as always it was very cute and even more tasty! :)

Table decorations made from Easter eggs, very creative!

The kid's table... trouble?!

Birthday boy opening his gifts

A very happy cutie with his momma

The youngest in the group, another super happy baby, with his Auntie.

Another cute mother and son pair

Brother pushing around the birthday boy on his new toy, well the box anyway!

Are you singing Happy Birthday to me?!

Big bite!

Boys will be boys.

Making their critter boxes at the craft table

The next little guy to turn two!

As always the party was fun, and the company was great. It's amazing to see all the love that everyone has for one little kiddo. Definitely makes me grateful for my friends here and their families. Love you guys!

Little bit of happiness: Tonight after the party we all stayed and hung out. Several of my friends took the time to teach me how to play pitch. I tried my darndest, so we will see if I remember how to play next time. That's what this year is all about: trying new things!

Daily quote: "There may be decisions to make, and surprises in store. Life takes us to unexpected places sometimes. The future is never set in stone..." -From the novel, The Night Circus

Cheers to Happiness,

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