Sunday, February 12, 2012

Holy Homeownership!

As I was sitting on the couch reading Ellen's new book, my house began to violently shake. After the dog freaked out and I freaked out I realized it was coming from the furnance. I rushed to turn the heater off and ran down stairs to lift the furnance cover to turn it off. Inside I found this:

Yes, that is the new filter I just put in today... not debris from or a tornado. But it might as well be. After one of my friend's husbands came to rescue, yet again, he told me that it was sucked up into the furnance and he wasn't suprised it hasn't happened before. So I will need to get a new filter in the next couple days... and it looks like Papa Bear has a permanent job, this was my first and last try!
In good news, my house did not burn down!!


February 5th: My two favorite toddlers at the Superbowl Party

February 6th: First time in a while making gnocci.

February 7th: Homework night, and yes, I am still a master procrastinator.

February 8th: Cleaned out the fridge and replaced everything with healthy foods!

February 9th: My favorite bookmark and getting geared up for a good read around Valentine's Day

February 10th: We made our Valentine's buckets today for our party on Tuesday. This is where the "Cupid Comic comes from."

February 11th: New breakfast line up... and by the way, why did my family never teach me how to make over easy eggs?! They know I love them. It only took me four eggs to get it down. Geez.

Little bit of happiness: My little date for Valentine's day brought me roses in advance for babysitting him. Probably going to be the best Valentine's date ever. Who can beat a guy that can't talk, is a cheap date and will cook whatever you make, AND goes to bed before prime time trash TV? Haha, kidding :)

Daily quote: "I believe that everyone else my age is an adult whereas I am merely in disguise." -Margaret Atwood

Cheers to Happiness,

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