Wednesday, February 22, 2012

110 Elements of a Bold and Happy Life

Today I took a little survey called The 110 Elements of a Bold and Happy Life. It was pretty interesting and all you do is answer questions about different areas of your life. The idea is that the more checkmarks you have, the happier you are in that part of life.

My survey let me know that I am very happy with my Family and Relationships, Happiness and Fulfillment, and in my Career and Business.

I could do a little better with Self Care and Emotional Well-Being and Personal Responsibility and Lifestyle, which has a lot to do with exercising (yuck) and feeling stressed (yikes).

The worst area by far was Money and Finances... I wish I could say I was surprised, but definitely not. Some of the questions make me wonder if it were even possible. For example, "I have 6 month's to a year's worth of savings in the bank." Say what?! I apparently have A LOT of work to do in this area. Good thing March will be focusing on Money!

Take the survey yourself; sometimes you don't realize how happy you really are!

Little bit of happiness: The new bible I ordered arrived today! I love it... it's Zondervan's True Identity bible. It has purple text, very cool set-up and designs, and a lot of devotional type stuff. Looking forward to using it and getting back into the Word.

Daily quote: Five Simple Rules for Happiness:
1. Free your heart from hatred
2. Free your mind from worries
3. Live simply
4. Give more
5. Expect less

Cheers to Happiness,

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