Saturday, February 18, 2012

6 Tips for Creativity

(from my Happiness Project calendar)

1. Take time to wander, to go to unexpected places.
2. Keep a notebook to record your impressions.
3. Pursue ideas and activities that interest you, even if they seem unproductive.
4. Keep scrapbooks of ideas, images, quotations, and the like.
5. Make an effort to write, draw, or practice every day.
6. Put yourself in Creativity Boot Camp: Tackle a project in an intense, concentrated way, and push yourself to accomplish in a short amount of time.

I think I do pretty well with this list! And can't wait to get my list of projects done! (See the week's pictures tomorrow to see what I will be up to with that).

Little bit of happiness: Froze my rear off in a golf cart... but still had a great time with friends.

Daily quote: "Dwell in possibility." -Emily Dickinson

Cheers to Happiness,

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