Tuesday, February 21, 2012

JoJo Earns Mother of the Year

Jodi Picoult's new book comes out at the end of the month! I follow her on Facebook and receive her book club e-mails... today I found out that she will be on a book tour for the release of Lone Wolf, aaaaand she will be in Kansas City!! As soon as I found out it is during my spring break, I e-mailed my mom to see if she would go with me and I honestly thought she would shut me down since she has to work. However, she e-mailed back right away saying that she would take off work, we would drive up, and it would be a trip on her.... OMG, Mother of the Year.

So... in 3 weeks I will be meeting my favorite author!!!!! AHHHHHH! SOOOOO EXCITED.

Little bit of happiness: My good friend's house finally arrived here today... so excited for her! Now the fun part begins.

Daily quote: "Book fall open, you fall in." -David McCord

Cheers to Happiness,

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