Monday, February 6, 2012

Stick With It

Defnitely something to keep in mind.

From my Happiness Project calendar today...
3 Ways to Stick to Your Exercise Routine:
"Although some people assume that exercise is tiring, in fact it boosts energy, especially in sedentary people. But even when you know the benfits, it can be hard to form the habit."
1. Give yourself credit for the smallest effort.
2. Think about context. (Examine what might discourage you from exercising, and find ways to get around them)
3. Exercise several times a week.

Little bit of happiness: I did three different workouts on my 60 day plan tonight. Going to get caught up and back and shape! Feeling the burn really does feel good.

Daily quote: When in doubt, go work out.

Cheers to Happiness,

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