Monday, February 13, 2012

Pick a Finger

Hehe... shouldn't be any surprise which may just be my favorite. (Hint: 3 from the left or 3 from the right or the middle, whichever way you want to look at it) :)

Little bit of happiness: Monday was a looooong day. My classroom was like a magic show: 5 gone at the beginning of the day. Sent one homesick, and then gained 3 more throughout the morning. Basically, we have the plague. Tonight was the first night of parent-teacher conferences and I feel they went very well. It was great to sit around at the end of the night with my co-workers laughing and having a good time until we reached our "release time." One more 13 hour school day this week!

Daily quote: "If you can't get out if it, get into it."

Cheers to Happiness,

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