Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Show Up

Yesterday my "Happiness 911" on the daily calendar said:
"Call, make a lunch date, or send an e-mail to a friend. Having warm, close bonds with other people is one of the keys to happiness, so take the time to stay in touch."

I had already planned to Skype with my college roommate, so this was perfect for the day. It was great catching up with her and made me miss her even more! I tend to forget how much I enjoy the people in my life when I don't take the time as often as I should to talk and see them. I will make more of a conscience effort to be there for my friends, because life is sooooo much happier with my girls!

Little bit of happiness: Completely cleaned out my fridge and stocked it with healthy food tonight! One step in the right direction.

Daily quote: True friends are like Chinese takeout, they're dependable, enjoyable, and just a phone call away.  

Cheers to Happiness,

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