Sunday, January 15, 2012

365 Days of Pictures...


January 8th: Best stocking stuffer! Vanilla Chi mix... great iced, blended, and latted!

January 9th: Made the cleaning schedule for the fridge. Now to put it to good use.

January 10th: Put new knobs in the bathroom all by myself! I love them.

January 11th: It was a very chilly day, and this was my view out of my backyard.

January 12th: One of my favorite wall decor... so very true, especially right now when I'm trying to go through everything and clean for this project. UGH.

January 13th: The yummy banana peppers that I was introduced to this week. Finally.

January 14th: The three.six.five. Bucket List bucket that I made yesterday. Time to tackle it!

Little bit of happiness: Today was the day that the imfamous sweatpants bit the dust... with a little help of some ripping on my part. My mother has been begging me to get ride of the darn thing for a while now, and it felt good to rip up the leftovers from a relationship long past gone.

Daily quote: Don't look back, you're not going that way. 
Cheers to Happiness,

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