Monday, January 30, 2012

Importance of Play

On my desk at work I have the Happiness Project day-by-day calendar.

Today's calendar said: "Make time for play. What is play? An activity that's satisfying, has no economic significance, doesn't create social harm, and doesn't necessarily lead to praise or recognition. Play is not merely idel time; it's an opporunity to experiment with new interestes and draw closer to other people."

Just something to think about, especially as play will be one of my "areas of life" at some point this year.

Little bit of happiness: I watched The Help again this evening. Made me laugh, made me cry, and made me appreciate and be grateful for the life I lead.

Daily quote: "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." -Aibileen Clark, from The Help

Cheers to Happiness,

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