Tuesday, March 6, 2012

90's Kid

Totally know each and every one of these! :)

Day 5 of 23 Days of Frugal Living: Tips for Saving on Groceries
Today's challenge blog listed FIFTY different tips for saving on groceries. So I will pick my favorite tips (aka GOOD) and the hardest tips (aka BAD) to share.

Make a spending plan (amount you can afford in cash)
Drink water (save $$ and calories)
Cook ahead (weekly menu)
Use coupons on things you were already planning on buying
Write it down when you are running low, not gone
Crock pot dinners
Maintain a healthy weight
Garden and perserve (would like to try this with zucchini at least!)

Grow your own herbs (hmmm...)
Will work for food (working at a farm pulling weeds for food)
Look for free food (scary!)
Cloth grocery bags (not a bad idea, but aren't sacks free?)

Little bit of happiness: Introduced one of my new teaching strategies today: reciprocal teaching. The kids seemed to like the idea of becoming the teacher and worked very hard. We will see how it goes from here!
Daily quote: "Associate with people who are likely to improve you." -Seneca
Cheers to Happiness,

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