Saturday, March 17, 2012

Did You Hear a Click?

Tonight at our St. Patty's Day party we were talking about the iPad and trying to figure out Skype... and the video of grandparents trying to take a picture came up. Thought I would share that one, and one with grandparents using photobooth. Enjoy the laughs!

Day 16 of 23 Days of Frugal Living: Frugality out of Necessity
The challenge today really struck a cord with me today. It becomes extremely stressful to make it from month to month on a small budget and make ends meet. Here are the reasons the blog gives that we get dead broke and can't seem to find a way out:

1. We view frugal living as boring and bland. We don't have the money at the end of the month because we spend it to try to make ourselves feel like we got it. (Wow! I didn't realize I do this until I read it in words)
2. Our wants and needs are messed up.
3. We buy too much. (I think especially of food, how much food gets tossed out because it gets old?)
4. Not taking responsibility and admitting fault.
5. Not having a budget. It's painful, but vital.
6. We aren't earning enough money. You might have to get a 2nd job, get creative.
7. There isn't an emerency fund... at least 1,000 bucks.
8. Too much clutter.  
9. We live to try and impress others. (Danger!)
10. Find ourselves for therapeutic or recreational purpose. (Dang, guilty!)
11. We thing vintage wisdom (most for your dollar, cooking from scratch, growing own food, make own cleaning products, mending clothes, and repurposing or upcycling) is a thing of the past.

I think I can find myself guilty of all of these at some point or another. It definitely makes me take a step back and look at all my mistakes. I want to become a better spender and saving, one day at a time.

Little bit of happiness: Today was just a great day! Explored a new recipe, hung out with friends at our March Madness/St. Patty's party, went to a b-day party for a couple of the little guys, and met some friends out at the bar. It was great to see everyone, and seeing these people gives me something to look forward to in going back to work.
Daily quote: Quit waiting for everything to be perfect... you have everything you need right now.
Cheers to Happiness,

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