Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Hunger Games

Tonight I went to the opening night of the Hunger Games along with about 25 of our fifth graders from last year and a handful of their moms. It was a great time and I LOVED the movie! It was so close to the book, which is exactly what I was hoping for. It wasn't as detailed as the book, and those who hadn't read the book yet felt a bit lost for a while.

For my fellow Hunger Games fans here is a map of Panem created by a fan.

Go to this link if you want the background information for the map.

Day 22 of 23 Days of Frugal Living: 23 Tips that are Guaranteed to Save You Money
1. Don't go shopping - If you aren't shopping you can't spend the money, especially on impulse buys. I have got to stop shopping as often, especially just to kill time.
2. DIY when possible - I would have to get used to the gardening and making my own soaps, but I love me some crafts!
3. Go car-lite - In effort to use my car less around town here, I will be investing in a (cute) bike with my tax return money. Other than catching rides with my friends, not using a car for going to Dodge and out of town really isn't much of an option.
4. Look for quality - Buy less cheap crap and research before every purchase.
5. Don't borrow money - Pay cash, or don't get it!
6. Stop the subscriptions - I don't have any magazine or newspapers, but I'm sure there are things I could cut out here and there.
7. Make your own homemade cleaners - Good idea, but not very high on my priority list right now.
8. Turn off the satelitte/cable -  Not only save money, but have time for other things and people. I would have a hard time at first, but this is something I may work towards down the road.
9. Live within your means - I'm working on getting rid of all my credit cards and only using cash.  
10. Learn to be content - Life is filled with so much more happiness when are content with what you have.
11.  Value your health - Eating, sleeping, exercising better not only makes you healthier but saves you money on doctors visits. I totally agree with this!
12. Cook at home - I've been doing a lot better with this, not only does it save me money but I eat much healthier.
13. Start a garden - Great way to save a lot of money, however I have a lot of learning to do with this! I will be starting with zucchini this year, and working my way up.
14. Look to buy used first - Saves money and waste. Maybe this is where upcycling can come in too.
15. Go out to eat on the cheap - Easiest way is to drink water and choose something less pricey. Coupons don't hurt either.
16. Put a number on it - Keeping track of food thrown away and think about the long term use before buying things. I know I need to think about if I will still be wanting that purchase a month, six months, or year down the line. I really want to use the 30 Day List that was talked about earlier to help with this.
17. Rethink the laundry - For pants and I bras I wear them a couple times before washing them.
18. Shop your home - Refashion clothes, and other odds and ends you already have. Good idea, although I don't really know how to sew and such.
19. Read and learn - Love this one! A lot of the information I learn is actually from novels.
20. Reduce convenience foods - I've stopped buying packaged foods that I can just pop in the microwave, so much cheaper and WAY healthier! More fruits and veggies in their place.
21. Don't toss the leftovers - Making it into something else... I would need some major help with coming up with different ideas. Maybe once I have my recipe book put together it would help out.
22. Save on utilities - Use less! I've been making a better effort about shutting off the lights when I'm not in the room.
23. Take care of your possessions - I need to work on this, my mother always told me I think everything can be replaced. I need to make the effort of taking care of things so they last longer and less money is spent in the long run.

Little bit of happiness: Of course the Hunger Games movie was the highlight of my day, but it was also a lot of fun to hang out with a different group of great people.
Daily quote: "Love the life you live. Live the life you love." - Bob Marley
Cheers to Happiness,

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