Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where Da Gold At?

It's FAKE PATTY'S DAY!! Enjoy one of favorite Youtube videos from college.

Day 9 of the 23 Days of Frugal Living Challenge: The 30-Day List
This is definitely something that I will be trying in order to get rid of impulse spending, that I know I'm so guilty of. The blog talks about a few days ago they focused on de-cluttering, but if you don't curb your spending that clutter will just come right back. So true!
The 30 Day List is the idea that every time you want to buy something that's not absolutely necessary it goes on the list. It must sit there for 30 days before deciding whether or not you want to purchase it. The blogger says that most of the time we will end up losing the urge to buy the item and it saves us from more useless spending and clutter. No matter where or when you think about buying something it must go on the list. And if you do make it the 30 days and decide you still want it you must pay in cash.
This does seem challenging, but saving money is well worth it! I look forward to trying this with a list on the refrigerator.

Little bit of happiness: Making new friends and seeing my Alma Mater. My how things change!
Daily quote: I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Cheers to Happiness,

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