Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Young and Wild and FREE!!

Today I have some humor from the mind of a kindergartner...
I was walking in the hallway next to their line and there was a little girl messing with the top of her shirt and looking down it. She kept smiling and looking back up and me like she was just waiting for me to ask what was going on.
So I whisper down to her.... "Whatcha doin'?"
She whispered back, "I'm wearing a bra!!"
Oh my gosh, I was just laughing hysterically and she just looked so proud of herself! (I think it was just actually an undershirt.) She was just soooo excited to wear a bra, almost as excited as I get to take mine OFF!
Ladies, you know what I mean, it just feels like sweet, sweet freedom! It's like the skies open up, the sun shines through, and the Hallelujah Chorus fills the earth. Nothing feels better after a long day than going eu natural.
So little one, you wear that bra girl. For those of us who wish we didn't!
Here's some more humor for you:

Onto more serious things...
I'm currently reading The Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey and today I focused on the Snowball Effect. This is where you list all your debt from things like credit cards and loans in order from least to greatest. You focus on paying them off in that order... you pay as much as you can for the minimal account WHILE still paying the minimum payments on the others. The idea is if you rid of the smaller ones first you will have more money to put towards the other later. So I've put all mine in order and can't wait to get rid of all the financial burden!

Little bit of happiness: Lots of great moments today! Started off with ALL of my kiddos reached standards on their math assessments, so proud of them!!!! Now I can breathe since we are now finished with assessments for the year, phew. I am also pretty sure that I have decided what I will be doing for my Master's Degree, so it's time to get in gear with that. Also got to talk to my college roommate and parents on the phone tonight. Good day!
Daily quote: "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." -Ellen Degeneres
Cheers to Happiness,

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