Friday, March 9, 2012

Spearville Sports and Students

Today before going to Topeka, I stopped in Emporia to watch our girls play in the state tournament. They did not win, but they played with so much heart. I was very impressed with our student section and I'm proud to say I'm a teacher in their community. Our AD has worked very hard to show them the importance of sportsmanship and it was very fun to watch them come to together.

To those of us from bigger schools, this may seem like a small student section... but really it isn't considering our school size. The age range from these kids are my fifth graders to seniors in high school. I love how they come together to cheer on the girls! It was very touching to see at the end of the game, even after a loss, the basketball team comes over to the student section to do a group huddle and "break." Proud of all of you kids, keep it up.

Day 8 of the 23 Days of Frugal Living Challenge: Learn to Control Impulse Spending
I know I have a problem with this, so I was very interesting to read today's challenge. First of all ask yourself these three questions:
1. Do you have a problem with impulse spending?
2. Is it a struggle for you to limit your buying habits?
3. Would you consider yourself a slave to materialism and consumerism?
Unfortuntely, at some point in time I confess that I would be guilty of all of these.

Thankfully, they give you ways to escape inpulse buys and materialism.
1. Refuse, refuse, refuse.
2. Avoid the mall, big box stores, and other shopping centers like you would the plague. (Would an addict go to a bar?)
3. The List. (Stick to a grocery list)
4. Reduce your time in front of the television. (Commericals advertising!)
5. Be aware of Internet marketing.
6. Limit magazine reading. (Once again with advertising.. read books!)
7. Monitor your urges. (Record when you feel like impulse buying so you are aware)
8. Use a 30 Day List. (See if you still feel like you need it after 30 Days)
Good ideas here, look forward to learning more about the 30 Day List tomorrow.

Little bit of happiness: Got to Topeka today for the weekend with Alli! So great to see a friend that you haven't seen in a while and share a great big hug. Not to mention, we both now share a newfound love of Truffle Fries from the Burger Stand... parmesan fries! YUMMY!
Daily quote: Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
Cheers to Happiness,

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