Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring craft...

Supplies before...

...Finished Product After!

Day 19 of 23 Days of Frugal Living: Living the Good Life... No Matter What the Checkbook Says
To me this is very, very important... even thought funds might be tight, you can still have fun and be happy! You must think of quality of quanity and people over possessions. In order to do this, make the following priorities:
1. Develop your passions: who you are and what you love
2. Learn a new skill: or refine old ones... doesn't have to be formal higher education, just read!
3. Invest in people: people that don't care about your money care about you
4. Volunteer your time: there's always someone who has less that you can help
5. Enjoy nature: you don't have to go far to experience a different way of life
6. Health is wealth: take care of your body (eat healthy), mind (reduce stress), and soul (nuture your spirit)
7. Stay home: cook at home, workout at home, relax at home... don't always be on the go

Little bit of happiness: Loved the spring rain! It's nice and refreshing, so different from the dry norm here.
Daily quote: Before you talk, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try.
Cheers to Happiness,

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