Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meeting My Favorite Author!!

After a day of shopping, I got to meet my favorite author, Jodi Picoult! This is without a doubt going to be one of my highlights for the year, I can already tell you that much! In fact, meeting a favorite author was going to be on my "bucket list" for the year but I thought it was too advantageous... man, did I learn my lesson! Never doubt yourself, your dreams could actually be within reach.

During the conversation with Jodi, we were in the 4th row! Here are my favorite parts of the conversation:

1. She compares what happened with the ending of the movie version of My Sister's Keepers to a baby put up for adoption. You wish them the best life with good parents, hope they become a good citizen, go to college and get a good job, and start their own family... but instead, you find out they have become a prostitute! Haha.

2. She said the next book to be made into a movie will probably be Sing You Home... which the rights have been bought by Ellen Degeneres! I sure hope this happens, two of my favorite people!

3. She has another book coming out this year, one that she has co-written with her daughter. Jodi gave away 3 prepublished copies to 3 thirteen year olds at the signing... man, I wish I were 13 again!! Oh well, guess I will just have to wait like everyone else.

There she is signing my book!!! Man, I was so star struck! I have walked across stages a few times in life for graduations (even lost a shoe during my high school graduation walk) and this was the most nerve racking one yet. Haha. She was so nice.


Day 13 of 23 Days of Frugal Living: Grow Your Own Herbs
Basically it's all in the title... but grow perennials so you don't have to plant them every year.
Little bit of happiness: Can't get much better than meeting my favorite author... but add to it a good day of shopping: bulletin board stuff, craft supplies, Kat Von D makeup, and Kate Walsh's new perfume. GREAT DAY!!
Daily quote: "If a man wants to read good books, he must make a point of avoiding bad ones; for life is short, and time and energy is limited." -Schopenhaur
Cheers to Happiness,


  1. Okay, I'll try another of her books. I tried one a few months ago - don't remember which one - and just couldn't get into it. But your enthusiasm has convinced me to try another. So okay, okay, okay. I will.

  2. Haha, don't mean to twist your arm. They are a little slow to get into, but so amazing. They are the one books I really slow down to read and enjoy. If you think of which one it was let me know. She writes very controversial books. My favorite is Second Glance, it's about eugenics and ghost hunting.
